Wednesday, 14 February 2018

This thing called "LOVE": A Valentine Message

This thing called "LOVE"
When I was a child it was so pure and so innocent
It was sharing, caring, it was giving, it was unity, it was joy, it was peace.
It was not corrupt by the stains of the society's notion of love
Now, it has worn the garment of lust
And kissed the lips of treachery
And dined with psychopaths who trade love for sexual desires
The dignity of love has been poisoned
Love; so sacrosanct, has been spoiled
On this particular day it is being savoured in a bed laid by deceit, lies, lustful desires by nymphomaniac bosoms
The meaning of love has been bastardized
The world is sick!
Now sex is the new love
And love is just a facade

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