Friday, 23 March 2018

How many hits could be sufficient to be termed "Domestic Violence"

      A topic people never cease to talk about. A term used by everyone who had been hit by a partner( either male or female) Yes. Domestic violence is not only meted out to women by their spouses, it can also be done to men, but to women is more common. 
         As soon as a man hits a woman in the home or anywhere, it is termed as "domestic violence'' I can still remember one of my girlfriend who just got slapped by her partner, even though he apologized, and said he was angry and all that and since then he has never tried laying a finger on her. Does that make the guy a beast? Does that make him unworthy of her?  Could it be that it was just a mistake that is never going to be repeated by him, ever? All my other friends were quick to judge and call him names, and I just stared, not knowing what to say because he has never displayed that kind of behaviour before. So I didn't say anything . 
        But my question now is "Would that be termed domestic violence?" "How frequent  does one need to hit a woman for it to be called domestic violence? "
"Are you going to leave your man because he hit you once? "
   No🙅👰 woman should be beaten i know, we should never take the blame and accept we are the cause or reason for the blows and punches meted out on us, but what are you going to do if this happens to you? 
    I want to know your sincere answers to all these questions guys. What do you think? Do you have a story to share?  Have you had such experiences before and how bad was it?  In that situation, what did you do? 
    Please 🙏feel free to comment right below the post ⬇


Being Pregnant a teenager in Nigeria

     Life tests us in different ways, and out of those tests,we learn a lot of things; positive or negative. As we grow older,our minds are open to a lot of ideas. We feel happy 😃,sad😔,disappointed😞, lonely,we love,and most of the things we face, we don't even plan for it. Life just brings it to our doorstep and we open the door to receive it.
       I can recall when my 100level course mate who got pregnant and because of that she left the school. I can also remember when lecturers called her names,you know,tagged her as a wayward  girl. As students,we said she's not a smart babe for getting pregnant. Others said they always saw her with guys. You know,from one story to another,whether it was true or false,no one knew,we only knew she was pregnant! It was the talk of the school for weeks...till she left the school and never came back! 
      Being pregnant as a teenage girl in Nigeria who is still going through school is like a taboo, and it's not supposed to be so. Its never the end of the world but ignorant and jobless people resort to name-calling and neglect of the girl who got pregnant as if they're saints themselves! Most of us are hypocrites! Unlike other countries, they embrace it,the parents come together to settle,and after delivery,the girl can still continue her normal education, but here in Naija! Your own has finished! Even your parents will almost kill you,friends will gossip about you, your pastor must hear about it and come home to be giving you life lessons...It is because of the constant neglect and shame that make people to resort to abortion,killing of the baby even after delivery,or even suicide! 
Please we should not be quick to judge people.